Baby Prep & Plan

You have questions. Concerns. Ideas
This is where you find answers, gain confidence and make a plan.
This 4 hour prenatal parenting class covers everything you need to know from the end of your pregnancy through the first two weeks of life.
Class topics include: Embracing the final days of pregnancy. Plans for when you're in labor. The "Golden Hour" after birth. Benefits of skin-to-skin contact. Common newborn procedures. Getting breastfeeding off to a great start. Taking care of birthing person's body after birth. Newborn care days 1-14. Typical newborn sleep. Soothing a fussy baby. How to have helpful visitors and creating space to establish and enjoy your new family.
You will leave this prenatal class prepared to take care of your newborn while caring for your own recovery, get breastfeeding off to the right start, and your partner will have a concrete understanding of what they can do to support the family in these early days. The conclusion of class is creating a personalized plan for postpartum based on your family culture, and specific family needs and goals.
Baby Prep & Plan is private, scheduled at your convenience and held in your home. Your questions. Your home. Your dog.
4 hour, personalized, comprehensive prenatal class.
Investment $200
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